
According to the Ecology Global Network there are approximately 360,000 births per day in this world. When someone is born in a hospital one of the first things the doctors do is assign the child a sex based off of the biological parts present. From there the rest of the world takes over in making assumptions about the child’s gender based off of the assigned sex. As Sam Killerman said in The Social Justice Advocate’s Handbook: A Guide to Gender, “Gender identity is our internal response to a social construction that attempts to make a connection between a person’s biological makeup and their eventual role in society.” Gender is a socially constructed idea and often in this society it is assumed that one’s gender matches their assigned sex, or it is assumed that both of the previous match up with the individual’s gender expression. From there people also assume that one’s sexual or romantic orientations fit into neat normative boxes that coincide with gender expression and identity, and sex. In actuality though, these assumptions just are not reliable. With 360,000 births a day there will be some babies that are not born just male or female, there will be some babies that don’t identify as men or women, and there will be some babies that are not attracted to the opposite sex. The goal of this blog is to define and discuss a few of the many identities and orientations that people possess and to show that as a society we simplify topics we should not. There is beauty in diversity, so let’s shine a light upon it.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Trans* is the umbrella term for
 individuals who deviate somehow
 from the societal gender norms.
These individuals include
transgender, two-spirit, bigender, agender, and many other individuals. There is often debate about who does and does not fall under the trans* umbrella, however the image above is the generally accepted example for what falls under the umbrella. When referring to Trans* individuals, many prefer the asterisk to be used because it is more inclusive of all the different identities housed under the one term. The most recognized trans* individuals in society are often those that stay within the gender binary such as MtF (male to female) or FtM (female to male), however there is several different ways to be trans* even within these 2 identities. Pronouns are very important within the Trans* community as well. Recently, there has been several trans* identified teens who have committed suicide. In response a trans* male wrote a letter to his teenage self. Trans* Letter
Trans* Pride Flag

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